We help our community.

We Help Individuals and Families Coming Out of Transitional Housing. Get to Know Them.


When Samantha got in a car accident and wasn’t able to work, she lost her home. Because of HOUSING 180’s program, she and her family avoided homelessness. Now she’s got a job she enjoys and a home for her family that they can afford.


Melissa’s addiction impacted her life greatly. While in prison, she entered a transitional addiction recovery program. Once released, Melissa successfully found long-term employment. However, high rents have made finding space for her and her two sons difficult. Through Housing 180, she found affordable housing that is allowing her to rebuild a stable life for her family.


Tony faced homelessness earlier in his life. But 30 years ago, he quit drinking and started working to help people in similar circumstances. Once he retired, he found an apartment in Littleton he could afford on social security and his part-time job. Each year his rent went up, until finally his landlord decided to renovate. When Tony's lease wasn't renewed, he found the assistance he needed at Housing 180. His time in the program allowed him rent he could afford while waiting for placement in a senior living community.